IELTS Reading- Sentence Completion Questions

These type of questions are most common in the IELTS Reading test. The Abroad Gateway categorizes these types of questions into tough category of IELTS reading test as one should have a good knowledge of synonyms and paraphrasing for IELTS reading.
About Sentence Completion Questions
One has to complete the sentence with appropriate word from the given text. The sentence must be grammatically correct after filling the missing word. There is a word limit to fill the gap and not following the word limit will make the answer invalid even if it is correct.
So here are some steps with the assistance of which you can answer these questions with accuracy.
Step: 1 Read the sentences.
The first and foremost thing is to read the sentences with the gaps and try to understand the general meaning of the sentence. Try to guess the missing word as sometimes the missing word comes automatically in mind while reading the sentence.
Step: 2 Keywords
Underline the keywords in the sentences so that while scanning the text one can quickly locate the information related to the sentence. And also do not forget to think of the possible synonyms of underlined keywords.
Step: 3 Scan the text for keywords
Start scanning the text for the keywords of first sentence as the answer can be found in the text orderly. So, search for the keywords in a serial order as it will help one to locate the answer the quickly.
Step: 4 Read in detail
After finding the underlined keyword or their synonym, read that part thoroughly to retrieve the answer from the text as the sentence is probably paraphrased in the given text, so one has to interpret it to get the accurate answer.
Step: 5 Fill the answer
After finding the answer fill it in the answer sheet. Make sure to check grammar and the word limit as failing to follow both will make the answer invalid and hence no marks will be offered for them
Here are some of the tips by Abroad Gateway which will enhance your capability to answer these questions:
- Read the instructions carefully as the word limit is specified. Also, sometime it is told whether to use exact from the text or the synonyms.
- Always read the sentences before reading the text as it will give a general of what to look for in the text.
- Most of the time the answers are in order as the order of list of statements given in the question.
- Be aware of synonyms and paraphrasing in the text as sometimes the exact wording of the sentence is not available in the given text.
- Make sure that the answer filled is fitting grammatically with the sentence.
So, in this way, you can answer the sentence completion questions with accuracy. Furthermore, you can modify your current strategy after applying these steps and improve your IELTS score better than anticipated.
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