IELTS Reading- True/False/Not given & Yes/No/Not Given

The previous blog explained about types of questions in the IELTS reading test. So, the first types of questions, i.e. True/False/Not Given & Yes/No/Not given, are considered easy ones.
Therefore, first of all, what do these questions contain?
In these types of questions, you have to identify whether the information given in the statement is True, False or Not given and similarly in Yes/No/Not given too.
What is the main difference between these two types of questions?
The main difference is that True or False is used when the passage is all about facts, whereas Yes or No is used where the passage is all about the author’s views or opinions.
Want to know the strategy to answer these types of questions?
So here are the steps to answer these questions:-
Read the instructions and try to understand the meaning of the statements.
Now look for the keyword in it and then try to find out its synonym while reading the passage.
When the keyword is found in any paragraph, read that paragraph thoroughly to identify whether the information given is true or false or not given.
Now here are some key points to remember:-
- 1. The first and foremost thing is to read the questions carefully and understand them.
- While reading the questions, make sure to underline the keywords present in them.
- After this, read the passage thoroughly and carefully underline the keywords and their possible synonyms while keeping the questions in mind.
- Always categorise the keywords as follows:
Keywords in questions
Similar words in the passage
More intricate (complex) ones
- Remember– True/Yes, False/No and Not given are in ascending order for IELTS General but for IELTS Academic, it may not be true.
- If you are unable to find the answer, then do not waste your time. The chances are that the answer is not given.
- Do not make assumptions about the topic you know about; discard your previous knowledge about that topic and focus on that passage only.
- Skimming and Scanning will not work here; you have to read accurately. Remember, the statement is true only if the meaning is exactly matching.
- Look out for the distractors, which include the words like every, most, all, some, a few, always, only and occasionally because the statement must be exact to be qualified as true.
- Also, look out for the words expressing doubt or possibility such as seem, claim, suggest, and believe and probably as they can alter the meaning of a statement.
As a result, this was all about the True/False/Not given & Yes/No/Not given questions. In the upcoming blog, the strategy to solve Multiple Choice Questions will be discussed.
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