What is IELTS Listening?

IELTS listening is one of the four modules of IELTS exam. The IELTS listening module basically tests one’s ability to understand the main ideas and detailed information along with the ability to follow the development of ideas. One listens to 4 recordings which are usually a mixture of monologue and conversation by speakers from different countries using a wide range of accents. The types of questions mostly asked in the IELTS listening test includes Multiple Choice, matching, map, diagram labelling, form, note, table, flowchart, summary and sentence completion.
Let us move further to the pattern of the IELTS listening test.
Duration– 30 min + 10 min (to transfer the answers)
Total No. of questions– 40
Sections of IELTS Listening test
There are 4 sections in IELTS listening exam which are totally apart from each other. Let us have a closer look at all the sections of IELTS listening test.
Section- 1
This section usually includes a recording of conversations between two people about day-to-day social life. This section is usually considered easy because the pace of conversation is slow compared to other recordings. This section consists of 10 questions and there is a break after the first 5 questions which can be beneficial for students as one can go through their answers and check the mistakes if any.
Section- 2
This section will be totally different from section-1. This section is generally considered tougher than section -1, as the pace of speaking can be fast here, followed by different accents. Here, the audio recording is a monologue where only one person is giving instructions. The break given after 5 questions is the same as the section 1 of IELTS listening test. Any type of question can be asked in this section.
Section- 3
In this section, the audio recording is the conversation between multiple speakers. Due to multiple speakers, it becomes difficult to recognize the voices, sometimes as voices or accents can deceive one’s hearing. That is why, this section is usually considered tough as compared to other sections.
Section- 4
This section also includes the monologue just like section 2. The audio recording is usually a university lecture. This section also includes 10 questions which can be of any type.
4 things to remember in IELTS listening exam
- Grammar
Using correct grammar will help you to clear the difference between 6 and 8 bands. Correct grammar will ensure the accuracy of the answer. While incorrect grammar will cost you points. One has to be careful with singular and plural nouns. Also, be watchful about the tenses and nouns forms. The proper nouns must always be capitalized.
- Spelling
Most students often overlook spellings while writing the answers in a hurry. The incorrect spelling will make the answer wrong and no points will be awarded for it, so always check the spellings before you proceed further.
- Handwriting
Handwriting matters a lot in the IELTS Listening test. If the examiner is unable to read the answer, then the answer will become wrong automatically, so the handwriting must be legible to prevent the questions from getting incorrect.
- Capitalisation
If your handwriting is messy, the trick here is to write in block letters as often the cursive writing is less legible than writing in block letters. Also, you will he be not be confused as to write which word in capital or small letters. Capitalisation can increase the legibility as well as accuracy of the answers.
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